
On Sun, 2011-03-06 at 19:20 +1300, banjo wrote:
> hi all
> Ive been working on a vala app that requires complex data,
> and found RDF was close to what i need.
> I was pondering Redland and Rasqal but they seem overkill
> for what i want.
> This app is purely local and doesn't need externally
> defined ontologies or any of the Semantic Web overhead.
> So i started writing an RDF-ish store over sqlite
> and was pondering whether i needed a SPARQL-ish queryer.
> Then i found tracker which also uses vala
>    http://projects.gnome.org/tracker/
> and has implemented a store and SPARQL queryer.
> In trackers' README i see...
>    * Comprehensive one stop solution for all applications needing
>    an object database, powerful search (via RDF Query), first class
>    methods, related metadata and user-definable metadata/tags.
> This is what i need.
> But i can't find instructions on how to use it.
> (though ive only been looking for a day).
> Also i don't want to store my apps data in the same store
> as trackers desktop meta-data.
> So my question is...
> Can i cleanly connect to the tracker code in vala
> and just use it's store & query?
> Can i store that data elsewhere from wherever tracker stores it's data?

I've been using tracker-builder (to build queries) and tracker-sparql
(to send those queries through D-Bus) to add a Tracker back-end for
libfolks [1]. 

I suspect that tracker-sparql is highly coupled with Tracker's specfic
DB but then again maybe it it isn't that hard (and might be quite
useful) to decouple the RDF to SQLite layer. 


[1] http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/Folks

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