INAVD (I'm not a Vala developer ;))

>I realized to my surprise today that valac (0.11.7) can read a GObject 
>introspection type library in place of a VAPI file!  For example, I can 
>specify '--pkg PeasGtk-1.0' on the command line and valac will read 
>types from /usr/lib/girepository-1.0/PeasGtk-1.0.typelib, which lets me 
>use libpeas types even though there is no libpeas.vapi anywhere.


>1. Is this documented somewhere?  How long has this cool feature existed 
>without my knowing about it?  :)
>2. Is there a long-term plan to deprecate .vapi files in favor of type 
>libraries?  Can type libraries express everything that .vapi files can?

I guess it will never happen. You can't loose possibility of creating
bindings to non-gobject libraries, it's far more cool than the whole
gobject type system.

best regards,

>vala-list mailing list

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