On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 08:58:42AM +0200, Alexander Kurtz wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I've attached bindings for the XTest extension (aka libxtst) and a small
> demonstration program which will start/pause your music player.
> This is how it should work:
>       $ valac --pkg=x11 --pkg=xtst --vapidir=. Test.vala && ./Test 
>       sizeof(char) = 1, sizeof(int) = 4, sizeof(long) = 4
>       sizeof(X.KeyCode) = 1, sizeof(X.KeySym) = 4, sizeof(X.ID) = 4
>       Display :0.0 opened
>       String XF86AudioPlay has keysym 0x1008FF14
>       Keysym 0x1008FF14 has keycode 172
>       Keycode 172 pressed
>       Keycode 172 released
>       Display :0.0 flushed
>       $
> Please note that this patch needs the patch I submitted earlier[1].
> I'm looking forward to any comments/criticism/whatever! If everything is
> ok, I would be happy if you could merge this into master.

Thanks for your contribution. I'd suggest you to report bugs into bugzilla
so that patches don't get forgotten.

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