In the code hereunder, in the while loop (simple scanner), when I
substitute !isalnum() by Posix.isspace(), the application crashes when
given a very large text file (170 MB) as argument.

Yet it works with !isalnum() instead of isspace().

Also it the application does not crash in either cases when used with
a 15 MB text file as input.

The error message is : "Segmentation fault"

I suspect a memory issue with Posix.isspace()

NB : It also crashes if I substitute !isalnum() for (!isalnum(c) && isspace(c))



using Gee;
using Posix;

// Struct to hold key, values pairs
struct pair {
    public uint    freq;
    public string   word;

// Comparison function for stucts
int comp(pair a, pair b) {
    if( a.freq > b.freq) return -1;
    else if( a.freq < b.freq) return +1;
    else return 0;

// Equality function for structs
bool equals (pair a, pair b) {
    if (Posix.strcmp(a.word, b.word) ==0 ) return true;
    else return false;

int main(string[] args) {

    Posix.assert(args.length == 2);
    var f =[1], "r");
    var map = new HashMap<string, uint> ();
    StringBuilder word = new StringBuilder("");
    char c = ' ';

    // Parse file and insert tokens in Map
    while (!f.eof()) {
        c = (char) f.getc ();
        if (isspace(c))
        //if (!isalnum(c))
            if (word.len>0) {
                    if (map.has_key(word.str) == false) {
                        map[word.str] = 1;
                    else {
                        map[word.str] = map[word.str]+1;
        else {

    var L = new LinkedList<pair?>( (EqualFunc) equals);

    // Insert in List (to sort)
    pair p = pair();
    foreach (var item in map.entries) {
        p.word = item.key;
        p.freq = item.value;

    // Sort list
    L.sort( (CompareFunc)comp );

    // Freq distribution
    var i = 0;
    foreach (var item in L) {
        Posix.printf("(%u,\t '%s')\n", item.freq, item.word);
        if (i > 10) break;

    return 0;

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