I've been trying to get this to work but it keeps crashing :\. I don't
think I understand the memory model here.. "PlugPlug* plugin" is
suppose to allow me full control of the object. When I call "var
plugin = plugins[choice];" its not null... So after that I'm calling
"plugin.run" and it crashes. I've looked at the C code and saw when
its assigned to the hashmap it uses "PLUG_PLUG (plugin)" but when its
retrieved its not. Maybe that's my issue? but how would I even fix

var items = new Gee.ArrayList<ItemInfo> ();
var plugins = new Gee.HashMap<string, PlugPlug?> ();
var choice = "plugin";
var has_plugin = plugins.has_key (choice);

if (!has_plugin) {
        var registrar = new PluginRegistrar<PlugPlug> (choice);
        var loaded = registrar.load ();
        if (loaded) {
                PlugPlug* plugin = registrar.new_object ();
                plugins[choice] = plugin;
                has_plugin = true;
                // This will run
                //plugin.run (items);
if (has_plugin) {
        var plugin = plugins[choice];
        if (plugin != null) {
                // This will crash
                plugin.run (items);

C Code:
void plug_plug_run (PlugPlug* self, GeeArrayList* items);

gboolean _tmp4_;
gboolean has_plugin;
_tmp4_ = gee_abstract_map_has_key (GEE_ABSTRACT_MAP (plugins), choice);
has_plugin = _tmp4_;
if (!has_plugin) {
        PluginRegistrar* _tmp5_ = NULL;
        PluginRegistrar* registrar;
        gboolean _tmp6_;
        gboolean loaded;
        _tmp5_ = plugin_registrar_new (TYPE_PLUG_PLUG, (GBoxedCopyFunc)
g_object_ref, g_object_unref, choice);
        registrar = _tmp5_;
        _tmp6_ = plugin_registrar_load (registrar);
        loaded = _tmp6_;
        if (loaded) {
                gpointer _tmp7_ = NULL;
                PlugPlug* plugin;
                _tmp7_ = plugin_registrar_new_object (registrar);
                plugin = (PlugPlug*) _tmp7_;
                gee_abstract_map_set (GEE_ABSTRACT_MAP (plugins), choice, 
PLUG_PLUG (plugin));
                has_plugin = TRUE;
        _g_object_unref0 (registrar);
if (has_plugin) {
        gpointer _tmp8_ = NULL;
        PlugPlug* plugin;
        _tmp8_ = gee_abstract_map_get (GEE_ABSTRACT_MAP (plugins), choice);
        plugin = (PlugPlug*) _tmp8_;
        if (plugin != NULL) {
                plug_plug_run (plugin, items);
        _g_object_unref0 (plugin);
Joseph Montanez
Web Developer
Design, Develop, Deploy
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