Sam Liddicott wrote:
> >2) The symbolism of "ancient warfare" is hard to
> >understand. Probably too hard to be understood instantly by most
> >people, so I put that proposal away too.
> The presentation is very good.
> I think that symbols of weapons, killing and/or warfare should be
> avoided, having very current and unpleasant connotations for many
> people in specific locales.

War happens -- deal with it.  But anyway, Vala is not about war, not
even about posing with weapons, nor indulging in feelings of
superiority or anything like that.  Vala is practical and gets the job
done.  It is not an academic language made by purists or theorists.
It doesn't seem to attract zealots or fanatics -- it is relatively
humble in that sense.  It makes life easier for those who use it --
compared to the alternative tools available to do the same job.

Getting a good visual logo can be hard.  When I was involved in
OpenEEG, someone sent us a drawing of a levitating, meditating,
EEG-wired GNU, which was really perfect and said everything:

However, a programming language is more abstract.  Linux has a penguin
mascot pictured with a bellyful of fish (according to Linus), which I
guess represents a feeling of comfort.  

I wonder whether we can find a feeling connection for Vala?

To me it is about flying above all the nightmare complexity of pages
of boilerplate code that is required at the C level.  So maybe
Aladdin's flying carpet?  Or something else to represent the ease and
feeling of flying above complexity?

Any other way we can represent this feeling?  

Or is there some other feeling we can associate with Vala?


 Jim Peters                  (_)/=\~/_(_)       
                          (_)  /=\  ~/_  (_)
 UazĂș                  (_)    /=\    ~/_    (_)                http://
 in Peru            (_) ____ /=\ ____ ~/_ ____ (_)  
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