Anyone tried benchmarking it?

Arraylists should perform much better than linked lists if they are not going 
to be modified.

Any chance to use slices implicitly?

On 17/10/2011, at 20:16, Abderrahim Kitouni <> wrote:

> في ج، 14-10-2011 عند 10:26 -0300 ، كتب Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle:
>> As I told in a previous email, I come from a Python background,
>> and never wrote anything in C+GLib. When I learned Vala, I used
>> Libgee first, and only then I found out about GLib's lists,
>> sequences and so on.
>> Could anyone please tell me which are the coincidences and differences
>> in the GLib and Libgee, and which are the pros and cons of each?
> You should use libgee unless you have a good reason not to. The only
> reason I see is interoperability (and it is a very good one). For
> example, if you want to use libraries that use the GLib collections, it
> may be better to use GLib everywhere and not have to convert. Another
> example is if you're writing a library and want it to be usable from
> gobject-introspection: libgee doesn't work well (if at all) with
> introspection.
> HTH,
> Abderrahim
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