
I am trying to get familiar with genie. Compiling the following code is not possible:

  var a = new array of int = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
  for s in a do print(s)
  print a.length

  var b = "Hello World"
  print b.length

I get the following errors:

klaus@LittlX:~/src/vala$ valac-0.14 example2.gs
example2.gs:4.23-4.23: error: Arithmetic operation not supported for types `int' and `string'
  for s in a do print(s)
example2.gs:5.9-5.16: error: Arithmetic operation not supported for types `int' and `string'
  print a.length
example2.gs:8.9-8.16: error: Arithmetic operation not supported for types `int' and `string'
  print b.length
Compilation failed: 3 error(s), 0 warning(s)

I really can't imagine what's wrong. Or can't I use the .length operator in that way? What else should I use instead? valac is 0.14.2.


 Klaus Rotter * klaus at rotters dot de * www.rotters.de
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