On Thu, 2012-06-21 at 10:00 -0400, Brian Duffy wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I need to use sqlite in my app. Does anyone have any experience using the
> sqlheavy wrapper? Does it make working with sqlite in Vala more friendly in
> your experience? Is it kept up to date?

Discalaimer: I wrote SQLHeavy so I can hardly be considered unbiased,
but I'll try to be.

I've used SQLHeavy quite a bit in some proprietary software (which is
why I wrote it), and in my experience it really does make SQLite a lot
easier to use.

As for keeping it up to date, it's not like SQLite is changing heavily
with each release... it's really quite stable, and SQLHeavy doesn't
actually need to change.

There are a few problems:

      * Asynchronous queries can be problematic, especially when not
        serialized.  I'm working on rewriting some of the internals to
        use Bump [1] to fix that by transparently creating multiple
        connections to the database, but my spare time is a bit limited
        these days so it is going slowly.
      * The ORM generator tool (sqlheavy-gen-orm) is basically crap.
        I'm planning on removing it.  I do plan to keep the ORM code in
        the library(SQLHeavy.Table, Row, etc.), just don't rely on the
        sqlheavy-gen-orm command-line tool.
      * libsqlheavy-gtk isn't ready for production use yet.

[1] http://code.google.com/p/bump

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