Vala is always marketed as being integrated with GObject, which I
think is advantage - IMO to make product consistent team should focus
on Vala/GObject.


2012/8/3 Jürg Billeter <>:
> Hi,
> valac has had experimental support to build applications without GLib
> for a while now. However, the POSIX profile still supports only a subset
> of the language and there is no indication that this will change anytime
> soon. I'm still working on the experiment that started with Dova, but
> the differences to Vala/GObject have grown to a point that it no longer
> makes sense to maintain both compilers in the same repository.
> Is anyone actively using either of these two profiles despite their
> limitations? If that is not the case, I'd be in favor of dropping them
> from master and keeping the focus on GLib/GObject.
> Any comments?
> Regards,
> Jürg
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