I have to use volatile variables in my project. The alternative is to
allocate a new memory slice and use this pointer, or disable
Currently, when I define a field, variable or parameter with "volatile"
keyword, i get error, so I guess it's not supported yet.
However, here[0] it's mentioned it was suspended since it has
some bug. I don't know what is the current status of this.

Please support this keyword, or at least in CCode attribute.
Volatile has few advantage since the pointer to itself is constant:
1. It can safely be written or read into even after the call to the
method which take its pointer to it. e.g.:
volatile int some;
int* saved_pointer;
void save_ponter (volatile int* pointer) {
    saved_pointer = pointer;

int read_ponter () {

    return saved_pointer;


It can be safely done only with volatile keyword.
2. I'm not sure weather GLib.AtomicInt is safe without the
volatile keyword. I know that all this method defined in the C
header with a volatile parameters, but is CC makes a global
volatile variable, or it can makes a different volatile variable each

Is volatile supported in Vala? If not, it realy should.
Most modern languages have this "feature", so I see no reason why
it shouldn't be in Vala.

Does Jürg Billeter include this in the language?


[0] http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/vLjdS6l4XaRgyE44fRQu
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