I am not entering to this e-mail a lot.
Later contact me at messyc...@hotmail.co.il. (It's msn and I am from israel)
I have skype too ,nosmoke.bltt.
OK ,I want to join to this project.
Things I programmed is after this line. (Only the programming languages
,all of them alone)
Scripting language that easy like GML.
But 10x faster.
One of the last features of this language:

> myFunc = {
>     println("Function called: myFunc")
>     var stack_variable_b=b //Default value to undeclared variable is zero
>     return ++b+stack_variable_b
> }
> loop { //Loop forever
>     println("B is {0}"(myFunc())) //Prints 1,3,5,7 and etc.
> }
> new myFunc() //Will create new object with variable named b that
>              //equal to 1.

This project is very new, I still didn't started the graphics part.

I created (This project is deprecated - hard to complete it alone)
programming language that interpreting kind of C# (; is optional and etc)
to C#, compiled the C# code and then converts the IL (I am Windows user) to
Go. (With all the features that C# has - static members and etc)
The language can import inline Assembly, C#, Go, C.

And after that project that I converted the Go part to C. (Removed the
Import inline stuff)
I created GC and kind of reflection with it.

I am working on project called Varocal (Not copy of Vala ,just a
all of those projects I told you was in C#.NET (Without the scripting
language one), now that project programmed in C++.
It project that converts directly language to C++. It's kind of Go.
I like the syntax that it's makes everything obvious.
I'll explain:

> func repeat(int count,char c) {
>     loop merge var i=0,res="";++i<=count
>         res+=c
>     return res
> }

As you see ,'merge' after loop means that all of the variables that
declare in the initialize of the loop'll merge with the previous scope.

And the last one ,I programmed project called FastC (In C++) that has
Structs, Function, OpenGL\Win32 that converts to ASM.
You know my skills, I shouldn't specify what this language can do.
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