Hi all. I'm very much noob in Vala. So forgive me if i'm asking anything

I'm trying to use the GLib.KeyFile to load a .ini file in my Vala program.
 It loads fine if I use,

*key_file.load_from_file ("**elegance-colors.ini**", KeyFileFlags.NONE);*

But I want something like this,

*config_dir = File.new_for_path (Environment.get_user_config_dir ());*
* config_file = config_dir.get_child ("elegance-colors").get_child
* key_file = new KeyFile ();*
* key_file.load_from_file (config_file.to_string(), KeyFileFlags.NONE);*

But I cannot find out how to get the path of the file, since I cannot
convert GLib.File to string.

Any help is highly appreciated.

Satyajit Sahoo
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