Il 29/04/2013 06:13, Kenny Micklas ha scritto:
Hi all,

I am a student at Brown University interested in participating in Google
Summer of Code. I am a Vala enthusiast and I have always been interested in
the idea of writing an LLVM code generator for valac. The principle
benefits of this would be decoupling Vala from C, increased flexibility in
the generated code, vastly better compile times, and potentially better
runtime performance too.

I know this is not one of the suggested GSOC ideas for GNOME, but I was
wondering if the Vala team would think this is a good project, and whether
or not there would be an appropriate mentor. If so, I will write up a full
proposal for GSOC.
thanks for your interest in vala.
I'm not a possible mentor, but I have to say that an llvm code generator might not be of high value. The points you rised are rather marketing ideas rather than real useful gains.
First of all, why flexibility in generated code?
Then, about compile times, you can just compile the generated C code with clang... same goes for runtime performance.

On the other hand, there's a wip/transform branch in vala. The purpose of the branch is to introduce an intermediate step for transforming the ast. For example, the current gdbus module works more on the C level, while with this branch you rewrite the vala ast into another vala ast calling dbus methods.
That is you write vala inside the vala compiler itself.
Potential: allow other transformers similar to [DBus], for example [RPC], or [Protobuf], or [DBTable], or whatever. That opens to a possible plugin system where each plugin can change the behavior of the vala code. The branch itself works quite well, it needs to be tested on existing vala projects to ensure there are no regressions, as well as adding new features and a plugin system.
I don't know if this could be a gsoc project or not.

Best regards,
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