Geary 0.4.1 (released a little over a week ago) fails to compile with Vala 0.22.1. This is due to two changes in Vala:

* The libnotify binding change
* Vala 0.22.1 catches binding errors in WebKitGTK's .gir file that were not caught in 0.22.0.

These are documented at and

These two issues forced us to release 0.4.2 for no other reason than to ensure we compile with the latest stable Vala. We had to include the libnotify VAPI in our tarball in order to compile with older versions.

I'd like to request that in the future changes in stable dot releases be more conservative in nature. Neither of the above changes seem truly critical to me (although perhaps they are to other projects; I'd like to hear why, though). The libnotify change was particularly troublesome because, while it fixes a memory leak, I'd be amazed if it was a real issue for any application. Geary calls Notify.get_server_caps() once, stores the result, and never calls it again.

My broad point is, dot releases for stable versions of Vala can cause large changes downstream. In the future, could these changes be more geared toward critical fixes?

-- Jim

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