Hi Dev_NIX, Dev_NIX writes:
To solve that on MSYS you have to install the msys-libtool package on MinGW
Installation Manager. I've used Cygwin before.
I've been able to compile (after a good time investigating) GLib inside
MSYS, and after some tweakings, I've successfully compiled Vala 0.22.1 on
Does anyone some experience or documentation to package it to an installer
like vala 0.12 and what files and bins are needed on the directory
structure inside the installation?

The Vala 0.12 installer (which, I suppose, you found on code.google.com) is packaged using NSIS. I wrote a similar NSIS script which, I suppose, I could share somewhere on the Internet. The particularity is that the .vapi files are not located in "<root>\share" but in "\ProgramData\vala-0.XX", which is done by tweaking the configure file. I used to package former versions of Vala, but have less free time to do so. I'd be happy to help you if you come to IRC, irc.gimp.org, #gtk+ or #vala channel.
2014/1/19 Maciej Piechotka <uzytkown...@gmail.com>
On Sun, 2014-01-19 at 17:22 +0100, Dev_NIX wrote:
> Hi all!
> I'm starting some Vala experiments on Windows, and I'm using the last
> version compiled by Tarnyko (which is 0.20.1)
> Right now I'm trying to compile by myself the latest build (0.23.1) on
> cygwin, but I get stucked running autogen.sh with the following message:
> Can't locate Autom4te/ChannelDefs.pm in @INC
> (
> @INC contains:
> E:/PROGRA~1/GnuWin32/autoconf/share/autoconf
>  /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14/x86_64-cygwin-threads
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.14/x86_64-cygwin-threads
>  /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.14
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.14/x86_64-cygwin-threads
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.14 .
> )
> at /cygdrive/e/Program Files (x86)/GnuWin32/bin/autoreconf line 42.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /cygdrive/e/Program Files
> (x86)/GnuWin32/bin/autoreconf line 42.
> Do you have any idea of what's going on, guys? D:
A random guess - you have mixed cygwin perl (as dented by paths) and
non-cygwin perl (e:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32) which breaks things
(namely autoconf - part of Vala build system).
Setting the perl paths straight should fix the problem (I have no idea
what they are - I'd try perl IRC channel) to use cygwin perl.
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