On 25/06/2014 11:31, Tadeusz Szczyrba wrote:
> Hello,
> Several questions:
> 1) when could I expect ( if should I ) the wip/transform branch to be
> merged with master?
When it's ready :)
> 2) where should I report bugs (regressions) in wip/transform branch - to
> regular vala bugzilla?
Since it's a wip branch there's no real place for reporting bugs. But
maybe we can open a single bug for all the wip/transform bugs.
Feel free to open it and list all your concerns there.
> The idea of separate transformation from check() seems to be very
> attractive - it opens the possibility for vala library to be foundation
> of code refactoring tools / IDEs.
> Besides keeping out transformation from semantic analysis maybe would be
> reasonable to implement keeping in AST original representations of
> terminals & non-terminals to be able to provide 100% reliable dump of
> parserd & analyzed source
> code - this way implementing more advanced IDEs with refactoring
> capabilities with libvala should be much simpler,
The transormations are a runtime thing, that has nothing to do with IDE
refactoring, which is already doable with libvala.

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