
I'm writing a notification daemon using vala and GTK+.
This of course uses DBus (and the org.freedesktop.Notifications domain,
following the spec at https://developer.gnome.org/notification-spec/).

While everything works so far, I have a strange problem: when an
application sends a notification with the 'image-data' (or the
deprecated 'icon_data') hint (which is a raw image data structure, see
https://developer.gnome.org/notification-spec/#images) the notification
daemon grows up in RAM usage.

For example, when spotify sends a notification, the RAM usage of the
daemon grows to 42 MB (from 2 MB).
When another notification goes in, the usage doubles... and I get 81 MB
of RAM usage.
This happens too with other music player such as exaile.

No problems instead for "conventional" notifications.

A stripped-out version of the notification daemon is here:

It's really simple, no GTK+ at all, and the Notify() method is empty.
Unfortunately also this version has the same memory leak problem. :(

I'm running Debian sid with valac 0.24 (but I've tried also with 0.22
and 0.20 with no luck).

Any pointers are appreciated: this has been driving me mad for the last
two days! :)

Thank you in advance,

Eugenio Paolantonio
http://me.medesimo.eu - @eugenio_g7

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