I really like you project and probably going to use it.

12.12.2014, 03:05, "pancake" <panc...@youterm.com>:
> I'm almost ready to release a new version of ACR. My own autoconf
> replacement tool.
>    https://github.com/radare/acr
> In this release I have fixed some bugs and added support for Vala.
> The way to configure a Vala project with ACR is the following:
> $ cat configure.acr
> PKGNAME myvala
> CONTACT name ; m...@host.org
> VALAPKG posix
> VALAPKG gtk+-3.0
> SUBDIRS config.vala ;
>          HAVE_VALA
>          HAVE_VALAC
>          VALAC
>          HAVE_VALAPKG_GTK_3_0
>          HAVE_LANG_VALA
>          VALA_VERSION ;
> $ cat config.vala.acr
> public static string VERSION = "@@VERSION@@";
> $ acr
> And now you have a fully functional ./configure script that behaves like the
> GNU one but its way smaller and faster. It's still a shellscript, so
> there are
> no portability issues or extra dependencies to build the project.
> $ ./configure
> checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
> checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
> checking target system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
> checking for working directories... current
> using prefix '/usr/local'
> checking vala compiler... valac
> checking vala... vala
> checking valac --pkg posix... yes
> checking valac --pkg gtk+-3.0... yes
> checking pkg-config flags for capstone... no
> creating config.vala
> cleaning temporally files... done
> Final report:
>   - HAVE_VALA = 1
>   - HAVE_VALAC = 1
>   - VALAC = valac
>   - HAVE_VALAPKG_GTK_3_0 = 1
>   - HAVE_LANG_VALA = 1
>   - VALA_VERSION = 0.26
> $ ./configure --report
> PKGNAME:   myvala
> VERSION:   0.1
> LANGS:     vala
> PKG-CONFIG:  posix gtk+-3.0 capstone
> FLAGS:     --with-vala=vala --with-valac=valac
> The AMR (automake replacement) is still work in progress and doesnt yet
> supports
> Vala projects. But I think parvala can be used quite nicely here.
> I have also plans to add another keyword LICENSE to include the COPYRIGHT
> statements in the same directory, this makes maintaining projects
> easier, but
> the compilation part is what I'll try to address with amr in next versions.
> It is possible to extend the fucntionality of the configure.acr with
> conditionals
> or external scripts. But it tries to keep everything as compact as possible.
> Let me know if you try it and find any interesting task
> --pancake
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