Thanks so much for the replies! I'm starting to make some slow progress,
but holy cow is that confusing coming from a friendlier language (at least
when it comes to library loading). Here's the stream of errors that I went

1) Added the c-header bit to the namespace. Getting an "undefined reference
to `sp_error_message`".

2) Move the vala method for sp_error_message out of the enum, out of the
namespace, all over the place, did the hokey pokey, and turned myself

3) Is the macro on the return types in libspotify/api.h messing with the
function names?!

4) Okay, let's go back to C and just print an error message from an
sp_error enum: "undefined reference to `sp_error_message`." Well, um, at
least the error is consistent.

5) Wait, I have to include the header *and* link the library in the
compiler? *rolls eyes* of course, that's so obvious... `gcc -llibspotify
test.c`: cannot find -llibspotify.

6) Mucks with ld. Mucks with gcc search-dirs. Still can't find library.

7) Wait, "lib" in "libspotify" is implied? *rolls eyes* of course, that's
so obvious... `gcc -lspotify test.c` -- compiles, and I can use
sp_error_message(). About freaking time.

8) `valac -lspotify spotify.vala`: unknown option -lspotify. Checks
manpage... `valac --library=spotify spotify.vala`: undefined reference to
`sp_error_message'. This couldn't be any less intuitive... Searches
internet. Duh, it's so obviously -Xcc=-lspotify. Stupid fandingo, how did
you not know better?

So, yeah, about one line in Vala to add the c-header, and like 3 hours
on-and-off of fighting with the compiler/linker. But hey, at least I feel
like I sort of know what I'm doing at this point.

@Jens, yes I did come across that version, but there were a few reasons I
didn't use it. It is quite out of date wrt libspotify, and doesn't compile.
I'm also more interested in my library being lgpl instead of gplv3.

Thanks again for the assistance.

-- Justin

On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 6:02 AM, Jens Georg <> wrote:

> Hi,
>> I'm trying to wrap the proprietary libspotify C library. I've found this
> Someone already did that:
> I don't know how up-to-date this is, though.
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