It's not currently possible to do that on most systems, take a look at File 
creation times []
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| File creation times []By Jonathan Corbet July 26, 2010 Linux systems, 
like the Unix systems that came before, maintain threedifferent timestamps for 
each file.  |
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| Ver en | Vista previa por Yahoo |
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Mario Daniel Ruiz Saavedra  Estudiante Ing. Sistemas - Universidad del Norte - - 

    El Sábado, 9 de enero, 2016 8:34:17, raum <> escribió:


Problem between windows and linux API,  probably...

Either you can take a look to one of my project wich worked on linux

Le 9 janv. 2016 10:30, Chris Daley <> a écrit :
> Hi all,
> One possible solution to this problem that would be Windows only is to
> retrieve the file creation date via the Windows API. The following code is
> untested as I am still setting up my Winodws VM but you might be able to
> try it out in the meantime. You will need to install the Windows SDK if you
> haven't already and I assume you are using mingw. A caveat, I haven't used
> the Windows API in a long time so you may need to double check the headers
> to make sure the function definitions are correct - this is for version
> 7.0. I'm assuming it's possible, as the parts of the Windows API you would
> be linking to are C libraries and this is more or less how you would do it
> in C# but like I said - this is an untested thought experiment that might
> be a total NO-OP. The only thing I could find on the internets was from the
> mailing list quite a few years back -
> - but it does
> suggest that this is entirely possible.
> Anyway, the code...
> // All of this is Windows API definitions which could be put into a
> separate vapi
> // The CreateFile flag for reading
> const int64 GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000;
> // Contains a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond
> intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).
> struct FileTime {
>     // The low-order part of the file time.
>     int64 dwLowDateTime;
>     // The high-order part of the file time.
>     int64 dwHighDateTime;
> }
> struct SystemTime {
>    int64 wYear;
>    int64 wMonth;
>    int64 wDayOfWeek;
>    int64 wDay;
>    int64 wHour;
>    int64 wMinute;
>    int64 wSecond;
>    int64 wMilliseconds;
> }
> [CCode(cheader_filename = "WinBase.h ")]
> public extern bool GetFileTime(void* file_handle,
>     out lpCreationTime,
>     out lpLastAccessTime,
>     out lpLastWriteTime
> );
> [CCode(cheader_filename = "WinBase.h ")]
> public extern void CreateFile(
>     string lpFileName,
>     int64 dwDesiredAccess,
>     int64 dwShareMode,
>     void* lpSecurityAttributes,
>     int64 dwCreationDisposition,
>     int64 dwFlagsAndAttributes,
>     void* hTemplateFile
> );
> [CCode(cheader_filename = "WinBase.h ")]
> public extern bool FileTimeToSystemTime (FileTime filetime, out SystemTime);
> public static int main (string[] args) {
>    void* testfile = CreateFile("./test.vala", GENERIC_READ,0, null, 0, 0,
> null);
>    FileTime time;
>    bool success = GetFileTime(testfile,out time, null, null);
>     if (success) {
>        SystemTime systime;
>        FileTimeToSystemTime (time, out systime);
>        message ("Success: File created on %02d/%02d/%d %02d:%02d",
> systime.wMonth, systime.wDay, systime.wYear, systime.wHour,
> systime.wMinute);
>     } else {
>       message ("Something went wrong");
>    }
> }
> This would need to be compiled with the right paths set to the Windows SDK
> location and linked against Kernel32.lib.
> Like I said, it's untested (yet) and I won't have time until next week to
> look at it again, so caveat emptor. If you're wanting to make a nicer
> demonstration out of it, you could save the Windows extern functions and
> struct definitions to a vapi file - like windows.vapi - to make it look
> less complicated (which it is, compared to the C code that would achieve
> the same effect).
> Let me know if you have any success.
> Cheers
> Chris
> 2016-01-08 12:35 GMT-08:00 Edwin De La Cruz <>:
> > Lametablemente no way? At least not directly using Vala , I understand
> > what I have read so far.
> > I keep looking for any option , since it was very important for me to
> > do in Vala and convince some people that language worth learning ...
> > I'll keep looking.
> > Mis proyectos de software libre en:
> > Github - edwinspire
> >
> >
> > 2016-01-08 9:04 GMT-05:00 Luc Chante <>:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > You can test le file a attached to this mail.
> > >
> > > T
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