Join us on irc://irc.gnome.org/vala at 16:00UTC
The purpose of the sprint ( 
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/MDN/Community/Doc_sprints ) is to: - 
Update out of date information - Improving signposting of and navigation to 
significant content

The main audiences for the updates are:
 - New users- People wishing to hack on the Vala source
If you would like to join us pop onto IRC at the 16:00UTC Thursday 16 June. 
For editing you will need an account at https://wiki.gnome.org/ and then we 
will add your user id to the TrustedEditorGroup. The wiki uses MoinMoin syntax. 
Keep this page bookmarked for the sprint: 

vala-list mailing list

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