Le 2016-09-10 23:58, Evan Nemerson a écrit :
On Sat, 2016-09-10 at 21:22 +0000, Ben Iofel wrote:
Sounds awesome. Even if we don't move to github, we should still
people to submit pull requests on the mirror

I completely disagree.  There should be one place to somehow request a
change in the code.  The only way we should accept pull requests
through a GitHub *mirror* is if they are transparently mirrored to the
canonical location, which is extremely non-trivial.

Obviously, without automatic mirroring you're forcing the developers to
monitor multiple channels, which sucks, but there are also other
consequences.  If the PRs aren't mirrored automatically they won't
properly interact with CI, which means they won't be properly tested.

You would also have to mirror all comments in both directions;
commenting on GitHub would have to result in a comment on the canonical
location so developers see them, and if a developer comments on the
canonical location it would have to be mirrored back to GitHub so the
contributor sees it.  You might be able to get a bot account going for
this, but then it's a poor experience for anything involving more than
one person on each site.

Even if you do mirror comments in both directions, you still couldn't
handle things GitHub doesn't support (like real code review).

Finally, I'm not sure it's fair to GNOME to accept PRs through GitHub.
It would set a precedent for other projects which isn't fair for them,
and likely end up making everyone more frustrated.

As for moving to GitHub instead of just accepting PRs through the
mirror, I really don't think that is the right answer here, and I say
that as someone who does a decent amount of open source work on GitHub
these days (see <https://github.com/nemequ>).  Off the top of my head,
the pros are:

 * Most developers already have a GitHub account and are already
   comfortable with it.
 * Travis CI only works with GitHub.

Travis CI support doesn't really matter; there are lots of CI services
which do work with non-GitHub projects.

The cons, OTOH:

 * The issue tracker is absolutely terrible.  It's easy to use, but
   very limited.
 * Code review support is a joke; it's a stretch to even say it exists.
   It's really just an issue is opened, and you can add comments.
 * It's proprietary. Given the choice, I'd rather use open source
   software unless the proprietary stuff is *significantly* better.
 * There is no way to fix bugs or add features, and relying on GitHub
   doesn't work.  I've reported issues to them before and it has never
   done any good.

I could make that list a lot longer with a bunch of paper-cut type
stuff, but the final bullet point covers a lot.  Besides, the first two
issues negate a lot of the reason I think we should consider some
infrastructure changes.

Frankly, if the choice is between moving to GitHub and sticking to the
current setup I'd prefer the latter.  IMHO the tighter integration with
GNOME is more valuable than not making people sign up for another
account to contribute.


I think Gitlab is a good solution (or at least a better solution than Github) :

- It's free/open-source software
- When you are comfortable with Github, Gitlab is easy to use
- You have got a good CI, with Gitlab CI
- Code review and issue tracker seems to be similar to Github's ones, but because it's open-source we could improve it, or send a request for it (Gitlab devs seems to be quite reactives to the feature requests). There is also a Bugzilla integration.
- We could also fix bugs if needed.
- You can log in with Github, if you don't want to create an account for a small contribution.

And if we don't want to depend of gitlab.com, we can host our own instance, perhaps on GNOME servers, if they want.

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