Hey Guillaume,

I think this is a generally good idea - didn't vala already have some notion of profiles already though?

In particular I like getting rid of the implicit "using GLib" - explcit is always better. It's especially annoying given every single symbol from all of of GLib, GObject and GIO is crammed into that one namespace.

WRT --nostdpkg, I kind of wonder if it's a better idea to instead simply bump the major version number and drop backwards compat, so we know that existing projects will continue to compile fine with the old 0.x series, at no additional development overhead cost. Once projects have migrated to having an explicit --pkg=glib-2.0 and "using GLib" then they can just cut over to 1.x of the compiler.

This would also be a good opportunity to split GLib, GObject and GIO up into separate namespaces, which would be more consistent with this suggested approach of using --pkg to enable compiler-specific features.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <http://mjog.vee.net/>

On Sun, May 7, 2017 at 5:26 AM, Guillaume Poirier-Morency <guillaumepoiriermore...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello all!

We currently have a very promiscous relationship with GLib and I would
like to propose some changes to make this more explicit.

Each --pkg argument would consist of a VAPI and a compiler plugin (from
wip/transform) for generating specific code and extending the language
syntax. One optional plugin per package seems sane to me.

No --pkg arguments at all:

 * basic Vala syntax
 * basic C codegen
 * standard C types (int, uint -> unsigned int, char, uchar, ...)
 * no API

At this point, one could introduce a different set of definitions for
supporting, let's say, a micro-controller C standard library in just a
matter of a --pkg flag.

With --pkg=posix

 * posix C API

With --pkg=glib-2.0

* shadowed standard C types in GLib.* namespace, which would become in
   default with a 'using GLib;' declaration
 * GLib C API
 * support for basic introspection (--gir and the like)

No more imlicit 'using GLib;'. However, including it would shadow all
the numerical types and produce a nice GLib-friendly API.

With --pkg=gobject-2.0

 * GObject API
 * typeof
 * signals
 * support for advanced introspection

With --pkg=gio-2.0

 * asynchronous primitives
 * DBus code generator

With --pkg=gtk-3.0

 * [GtkBuilder] annotations

We can have a pure Posix C backend and compile anything with:

    valac --ccode --pkg=posix main.vala

    public int main () {} => int main (void) {}

Or if one would like to target Emscripten platform:

    valac --ccode --pkg=emscripten main.vala

    public int main () {} => #include<emscripten.h> int main (void) {}

For usual GLib code:

    valac --ccode --pkg=glib-2.0 main.vala

    using GLib;

    public int main () {} => gint main (void) {}

It would be breaking stuff that is not explicitly using --pkg=glib-2.0
and 'using GLib'. We could actually use the '--nostdpkg' switch to sort
of reset the compiler down to it's most basic feature set and wait
until 1.0 to drop it and have some good defaults.

At first, it would be to make --nostdpkg work flawlessly while
preserving entire backward-compatibility. That'll be good for a minor

Tell me what you think about this!

Guillaume Poirier-Morency <guillaumepoiriermore...@gmail.com>

Étudiant au baccalauréat en informatique à l'Université de Montréal
Stagiaire de recherche à l'IRIC

Mon blog: https://arteymix.github.io/
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