What's wrong with:

    thing = thing ? create ();

Le samedi 27 mai 2017 à 16:46 -0700, Edward Hennessy a écrit :
> This snippet shows a common implementation of lazy initialization:
>       if (thing == null)
>       {
>           thing = create();
>       }
> It would be nice to have a concise form using a null coalescing
> operator, like:
>       thing ??= create();
> Would a null coalescing assignment operator be a reasonable addition
> to Vala?
> Ed
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Guillaume Poirier-Morency

Étudiant au baccalauréat en informatique à l'Université de Montréal
Stagiaire de recherche à l'IRIC

Mon blog: https://arteymix.github.io/
Mon projet de coopérative: https://pittoresque.github.io/

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