On 08/31/17 05:46, Nor Jaidi Tuah wrote:
>> int c1 = f_add(a)(b);
>> int c2 = f_add2(a, b);  //Problem here
> try f_add2(a,b)()
> Nice day
> Nor Jaidi Tuah

Hi Nor/Al/others,

Thanks for responding to my query.

I could make my code work by calling it with f_add2()(a, b). This leads 
me to think generally as under.

If a declare a delegate like this :

delegate return_type _DG_xyz(argset_1);

and then define a function which will return using above lambda

_DG_xyz fx(argset_2)

Then argset_1 and argset_2 are independent of each other. argset_1 
corresponds to the arguments for the lambda-expression, not for the 
client function fx. fx can use any argument list of its own and do 
anything as long as it returns [a function pointer to] a lambda that 
uses argset_1

Am I right about my conclusion ?

Manish Jain
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