Hey all,

I'm looking into improving Geary's error reporting at the moment, and would like to be able to reconstruct the domain and code names that were given in the source file for an arbitrary error when catching it, so that users can copy & paste some "technical details" and report it in a bug, if they are so inclined. For example, given an instance of a IOError.CANCELLABLE, I'd like to be able to come up with a string representation of it as "IOError.CANCELLABLE". At the moment the best I can get is the quark and code as strings, i.e. "g-io-error" and "32" (or whatever).

I understand that Vala Error objects are convenience representations of the underlying GError and not full classes, however since under the hood a Vala errordomain generates an enum in C, I'd hope that I should at least be able to convert the code from an int in an arbitrary error domain back to a string, but can't work out a way to do it. Is this possible? A nicer version of the domain value instead of the quark string value would be great as well.

Relatedly, since the error's code is an enum, it would be handy to be able to use it in a switch statement, e.g.:

switch (io_error.code) {

But again unless I am missing something, this doesn't seem to be currently supported?


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <http://mjog.vee.net/>

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