Hi all:

I launched a new version of Autovala, version 1.2.2. The main change is that now is able to find the VAPI files when the compiler has an odd minor version number and the VAPIs are installed as (compiler minor version) + 1 (exactly what is happening now in Debian SID: vala compiler is 0.39.92, but VAPI files are at /usr/share/vala-0.40).

Autovala is a project generator for vala that greatly simplifies the creation and management of a code project. It automagically creates all the files needed for CMAKE and MESON/NINJA, not only for the source code, but for everything: icons, data, documentation..., finds the libraries dependencies by peeping the source code for the "using XXXX" statements, creates manpages from markdown/html/txt/muchmoreformats, extract the strings for localization from all of the source and glade files, can add the list of all files needed in the project to a versioning system (like git, svn...), helps in the creation of packages for debian/ubuntu, fedora and derivatives, and Arch, and much, much more.

You can download it from my home page, at http://www.rastersoft.com , or check it from github at https://github.com/rastersoft/autovala . You have plenty documentation both in the wiki at github and in several manpages for autovala.

Enjoy it!

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