Hi folks,

I don’t know whether you remember me talking about writing an beginner's book 
to get more people
on the Vala train – after all, it’s been 10 years ago. Due to a number of 
circumstances (the fading interest
in Vala being one, but also me refocusing into the land of proprietary 
platforms), I
had to put this to a rest for a long time.

The recent activity boost in this community motivated me to pick it up again. 
So I
threw the german draft away, rewrote it in english, and finished it. Here’s the 

# Introduction
## Why Vala?
## A brief take on history
## A personal note
## Audience
## Overview
## Typographical Conventions
## Source Code
## ChangeLog
## About the author

# Getting Started
## Installing
## Hello World
## Hello Object-World
## Hello GUI-World
## Summary

# Syntax & Semantics
## Basic Rules
## The Type System
## Operators
## Control Flow
## Methods
## Attributes
## Memory Management
## Structured Error Handling
## Method Contracts
## Summary

# Object Oriented Programming
## Concepts
## Classes
## Interfaces
## OOP and the Type System
## Generics
## Classes vs. Structures
## Summary

# Networking
## Sockets
## Example: NTP Client
## Example: JSON Parser
## GIO
## Example: HTTP Client with GIO
## libsoup
## Example: HTTP Client with libsoup
## Summary

# UI programming with GTK+
## Event-Driven Systems
## GTK+
## Example: Streaming Radio Client
## Summary

# DBus
## Introduction
## DBus in Vala
## Example: DBus Server
## Example: DBus Client

# Linux
## Introduction
## Linux.vapi
## File Notification
## Example: inotifyWatcher
## Summary

# External Libraries
## Bindings
## Example: Binding libxmp
## Example: Binding a GObject-based library
## Example: Using libgusb
## Summary

# Epilogue
## Congratulations
## Contribute
## Closing

If you’re an advanced Vala programmer, I’m afraid you will not find anything 
new in this book. If you’re 
just starting or pondering whether to learn the language or not though, it 
might give you some insights.

Anyways, here are links:

e-book: https://leanpub.com/vala <https://leanpub.com/vala>

printed: amazon.com/dp/1983202347  <https://t.co/ufGIRh9qmG>



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