Hi Daniel,

Im compiling Vala on Windows since years without any problems. Maybe the
following "receipe" will help:

Note: Use Win7 and above
Note: I'm using the 32 Bit MSYS2 version for some reason
Note: I'm using the same versions of Vala and Gee as on my Ubuntu 16.04

* Get MSYS2: http://repo.msys2.org/distrib/i686/msys2-i686-20180531.exe

* Start the MSYS2 exe and install to C:\msys

* Start c:\msys\msys2.exe
  * pacman -Syu
  * Close MSYS window

* Start c:\msys\msys2.exe again

  * pacman -Syu
  * pacman -S gcc make tar glib2-devel base-devel

  * wget --no-check-certificate
  * tar xJf vala-0.30.1.tar.xz
  * cd vala-0.30.1
  * ./configure
  * make
  * make install
  * valac --version

  * wget --no-check-certificate
  * tar xJf libgee-0.18.0.tar.xz
  * cd libgee-0.18.0
  * ./configure
  * make
  * make install

Regards, Bernhard
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