
> Works! Thank's a lot!!!

You are welcome.

> Well, as coming from C# and VS2017/Monodevelop i tryed the following:
> Label label = new Label("mylabel");
> label.
> Well I expected that after the "." the list of Label Methods/Props pop up....
> Are there some settings to do this ?

Don't think so, you have to type some characters after the dot, but you
get ALL textually matching functions. You can tweak it a little bit at
"Edit - Preferences - Editor - Completions" (e.g. I set "Characters to
type for autocompletion" to 2) but I'm afraid that's it.

The "real dot thing" IMHO works for vala structs, but not for
classes/namespaces. Maybe YOU want to improve Geany to give it a better
autocompletion ;-) ?

> Do I get this right, that there is no IDE just for vala like monodevelop for 
> C# ?

I don't know any better than Geany, at least the last time I checked
this (approx 2016).
Anyway, I will stay with Geany because it's cute, small and fast and
good enough for (for me).

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