On 04/07/2014 10:26 PM, Bob Kuo wrote:
> Is it possible to run valgrind *without* the debug symbols available
> and then take the valgrind log output, the .map, and the debug symbols
> to get a full stack trace?  That would simplify our testing greatly.

In theory you might be able to use addr2line, but you'd need to do some
arithmetic -- basically, subtract the library actual load address --
before you can give those addresses to addr2line.

The usual problem with running V on embedded targets is (1) that it
takes forever to move the debuginfo objects onto the target, and (2)
doing so uses up all the flash storage on the target.  If your target
can communicate with the build host using TCP/IP, you might like to try
running V's debuginfo server on the host (auxprogs/valgrind-di-server.c)
and asking V on the target to use that, using --debuginfo-server=.

It's pretty crude (needs work) but it does just about work.


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