EG members - could you possibly review this change and reply in an email?
We believe this is the last step to finalizing the nestmates JVMS changes.


p.s. changes are relative to:

> On Jan 10, 2018, at 9:34 AM, Karen Kinnear <> wrote:
> David Holmes and I are good with Dan’s proposal here.
> thanks,
> Karen
>> On Jan 9, 2018, at 5:27 PM, Dan Smith < 
>> <>> wrote:
>>> On Jan 3, 2018, at 9:16 AM, Karen Kinnear < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> In studying the details of these changes, there are three sets of changes 
>>> that change the behavior of invokeinterface.
>>> Invokeinterface is allowed to resolve to a private member of the reference 
>>> class, and the resolved method becomes the selected method. 
>>> The removal of the invokeinterface selection runtime access check, allows 
>>> selection of a package-private or protected method, since they can override 
>>> a public method from the resolution step.
>>> The combining of the invokeinterface selection and invokevirtual selection 
>>> (and equivalent preparation modifications) add the concept of "overrides" 
>>> to the invokeinterface selection lookup steps. Note that private methods 
>>> never override and are never overridden. The consequence of this change is 
>>> that the invokeinterface selection lookup will now SKIP private methods as 
>>> invokevirtual does, where before it would find the private method and throw 
>>> an IllegalAccessError.
>>> I am proposing that for nestmates we do not need the second change, and 
>>> that we could continue to have invokeinterface and invokevirtual selection 
>>> be aligned, while keeping the restriction that if the selection lookup 
>>> procedure selects a method that is not public, invokeinterface throws an 
>>> IllegalAccessError. (This would continue to allow resolution to a private 
>>> member, select the same private member). This prevents adding additional 
>>> cases in which the caller is able to invoke a method it can not directly 
>>> access.
>> This is a good change; see details below.
>> Eventually, I would like to entirely get rid of this rule, but to do so we 
>> need a more comprehensive solution to JDK-8021581.
>>> For the 3rd change we have two ways to approach this. We can leave the 
>>> existing invokeinterface selection/preparation alone, find private methods 
>>> in the receiver and its superclasses, and throw an IllegalAccessError, or 
>>> we can make the proposed changes and skip private methods as we do for 
>>> invokevirtual (because of the term "overrides") and potentially find a 
>>> public method that overrides the resolved method.
>> I have not yet heard a concrete proposal to make changes here, and continue 
>> to think the best thing to do is merge the selection logic into one set of 
>> rules, as described in the nestmates spec document. (It is *possible* to 
>> achieve our goals through other means, but there are many pitfalls, and I 
>> haven't seen anyone arguing for a specific alternative. From where I sit, 
>> the current proposed approach seems best.)
>>> Run-time Exceptions
>>> Otherwise, if step 1 or step 2 of the lookup procedure selects a method 
>>> that is not public, invokeinterface throws an IllegalAccessError.
>>> This is the line that we believe could be restored, slightly modified to 
>>> apply to the selection lookup procedure steps in 5.4.5, so that the only 
>>> non-public selected method would be a private method which is the 
>>> referenced method as well as the selected method.
>> Concretely, we would undo this deletion, and instead modify the rule as 
>> follows:
>> "Otherwise, if step 1 or step 2 of the lookup procedure selects a method 
>> that is ~~not public~~ **neither public nor private**, invokeinterface 
>> throws an IllegalAccessError."
>> The motivation here is that invokeinterface is uniquely able to i) resolve 
>> to a public interface method, and ii) select a protected/package method of a 
>> superclass that would otherwise be inaccessible to the caller. The fact that 
>> the referenced method is in an interface is important, because anyone with 
>> the ability to extend a class can also declare a fresh superinterface that 
>> includes any method names+descriptors they're interested in.
>> —Dan

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