Details for LW1:

Goals of LW1:
   Support Early Access Binaries ASAP
   Support immutable, identity-free value types that are subtypes of 

   No support for value classes as type parameters for generics (enforced by 
   No migration of value-based classes

In order to deliver this as quickly as possible, we want to decouple the 
agreed-upon proposals from
the currently open issues.

Specifically, we are decoupling adding the ValueTypes attribute for 
consistently identifying known value types from
the discussion of how we deal with nullability, which allows us to make 
significant progress and narrows the open design issues.
This email details this initial step. We have done detailed exploration of 
eager loading requirements.

I. Support for ValueTypes attribute and value type consistency

   ValueTypes Attribute identifies value types known at compile time

    Ensure specific bytecodes operate on match of value type vs. not: 
(withfield, defaultvalue vs. new, monitor*)

    Ensure consistency between assumptions of a type being a value type and the 
actual type’s expectations when loaded.

Thanks to Frederic: improvement on consistency guarantees for being a Value 
Checks for consistency will be performed and throw ICCE on mismatches between 
ValueTypes attribute and actual loaded class is_value_type.

Clarification of terms:
  “preloading” means loading before completion of loading for the declaring 
class. This is only used for flattenable fields.
  “link-time loading” means loading during the link phase for the declaring 
class, which is used for all other uses of entries in the ValueTypes attribute.

1. *1 Flattenable fields:
    preload value types used for local flattenable field descriptors listed in 
the ValueTypes attribute
2. Local methods:
    load value types in method descriptors (parameters/return) at link time, 
prior to preparation
3. constant pool resolution:
    all constant pool resolution will ensure value type consistency
4. References to constant pool descriptors: field and method descriptors
    at resolution of target field and method descriptors, for all 
parameters/return, ensure value type consistency

   specific bytecodes change behavior based on dynamic checks for is_value_type

   specific bytecodes change behavior based on dynamic checks for is_value_type

Open design issues for LW1
  1. flattenable statics:

  2. nullability handling for LW1. 
 I will send follow-up email exploring trade-offs.



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