Refining this: 

 - inline classes are inlinable (duh)
 - reference classes, interfaces, and nullable-projections of zero-default 
inline classes are not inlinable

(We later use these to say: Instantiation of generics with non-inlinable types 
are erased.)

That seems not terrible, except for the “nullable projection of zero-default 
inline classes” part, which is both a mouthful and has “inline” in it.  Perhaps 
calling these something like “null-adjoined types” (to reflect the fact that 
we’re cramming a null into a type whose value set doesn’t naturally contain 
null) makes that slightly better.  So:

 - inline classes are inlinable 
 - reference classes, interfaces, and null-adjoined types are not inlinable

> On Apr 8, 2019, at 3:06 PM, Brian Goetz <> wrote:
> A related issue is that we want a word for describing which types are 
> routinely flattened in layouts, and specialized in generics (the criteria are 
> the same).  Currently:
>   - References and nullable projections of values (V?) are erased and not 
> flattened
>   - Values (zero-default and null-default) are specializable and flattenable
> (This thread is for terminology; if you have questions about the above 
> claims, make a new thread, or better, wait for the more detailed writeup 
> explaining why this is.)
> We need words for these two things too.  
>> On Apr 8, 2019, at 2:58 PM, Brian Goetz < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Yes, that’s a promising direction.  And this is surely the motivation why 
>> the C# folks picked “struct”; they wanted to carry the connotation that this 
>> is a structure that is inlined.  Problem is, the word “struct” is already so 
>> heavily polluted by what it means in C.  So perhaps something like:
>>     inline class V { … }
>> This says than a V can be inlined into things that contain a V — other 
>> classes and arrays.  It also kind of suggests that this thing has no 
>> intrinsic identity.  
>> A possible downside of this choice is that one might mistake it for meaning 
>> “its methods are inlined”.  Which is actually a little true, in that the 
>> methods are implicitly static and therefore more amenable to dynamic 
>> inlining.  So that might actually be OK.  
>> Others?
>>> On Apr 8, 2019, at 2:25 PM, Kevin Bourrillion < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> I'd suggest the name should in some way allude to the inline/compact/flat 
>>> memory layout, because that is the distinguishing feature of these new 
>>> things compared to anything else you can do in Java. And it is what people 
>>> should be thinking about as they decide whether a new class should use this.
>>> On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 10:02 AM Brian Goetz < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> The slide deck contains a list of terminology.  I’d like to posit that the 
>>> most confusion-reducing thing we could do is come up with another word for 
>>> value types/classes/instances, since the word “value” is already used to 
>>> describe primitives and references themselves.  This is a good time to see 
>>> if there are better names available.  
>>> So for this thread only, we’re turning on the syntax light to discuss what 
>>> might be a better name for the abstraction currently known as “value 
>>> classes”.  
>>> > On Mar 29, 2019, at 12:08 PM, John Rose < 
>>> > <>> wrote:
>>> > 
>>> > This week I gave some presentations of my current thinking
>>> > about specializations to people (from Oracle and IBM) gathered
>>> > in Burlington.  Here it is FTR.  If you read it you will find lots
>>> > of questions, as well as requirements and tentative answers.
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > <>
>>> > 
>>> > This is a checkpoint.  I have more tentative answers on the
>>> > drawing board that didn't fit into the slide deck.  Stay tuned.
>>> > 
>>> > — John
>>> -- 
>>> Kevin Bourrillion | Java Librarian | Google, Inc. | 
>>> <>

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