On Apr 9, 2019, at 2:06 PM, John Rose <john.r.r...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Not bad.  More riffing:

Another one:  "immediate" instead of "inline".
Connotation from assembly code is "stuck in the
middle of something else, not a variable".
Etymology is "nothing between the user and
the object, no mediator".  Regular objects
have *object identity* as the mediating factor
between the object and every user.

https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/immediate and
also have "direct", "adjacent", "close", "near",
"contiguous", "available", and many more.

Vladimir I. suggests that an ideal keyword will
suggest or imply immutability.  "Immediate" does
this, as well as suggesting that the thing is available
(inline) close at hand.

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