For the file storage or for the shmlog?

When do you start nuking/expiring from disk? I suspect the load goes up when you run out of storage space?


On Apr 9, 2009, at 12:02 PM, Cloude Porteus wrote:

Has anyone experienced very high server load averages? We're running varnish on a dual core with 8gb of ram. It runs okay for a day or two and then I start seeing load averages in 6-10 range for an hour or so, drops down to 2-3, then goes back up.

This starts to happen once we have more items in the cache than our physical memory. Maybe increasing our lru_interval will help? It's currently set to 3600.

Right now we're running with a 50gb file storage option. There are 270k objects in the cache, 70gb virtual memory, 6.2gb of res memory used, 11gb of data on disk in the file storage. We have a 98% hit ratio.

We followed Artur's advice about setting a tmpfs and creating an ext2 partition for our file storage.

I also tried running with malloc as our storage type, but I had to set it at a little less than half of our physical ram in order for it to work well after the cache got full. I don't understand why the virtual memory is double when I am running in malloc mode. I was running it with 5gb and the virtual memory was about 10-12gb and once it got full it started using the swap memory.

Thanks for any help/insight.

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