On 02.06.22 08:50, Nils Goroll wrote:
> we have two VIPS related to body access:
> * 
> https://github.com/varnishcache/varnish-cache/wiki/VIP-30:-bereq.body_filters
>   is about filters for the request body (which I am probably going to get to)

Related to that:

Actually I think we are going to need two filters on the request body:

* a VFP on the way into the cache (where we might want to use the request body
with vmods and/or VCL)

* a VDP when sending it to the backend.

As a concrete example, one might want to uncompress the request body for vmod
processing, but recompress it for delivery to the backend.

Preserving the original request body would be another complication...


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