On Jan 17, 2007, at 09:08, Kenneth Rørvik wrote:

Hi there. I am currently responsible for a reasonably large cms (http://www.hio.no). Now, the problem is, my predecessor has *not* implemented a cache for this site, and the server is getting loaded down quite heavily due to many mysql-requests.

Enter varnish (1.0.2-7 on Red Hat AS4) .... but, there is a problem: poorly documented vcl ;)

One of the most important aspects about the site is that we have an apache-rewrite on "/" for all http-requests from our OWN networks when there is no Referer header set. The reason is we (or, our information department.... ;) want all internal requests to / to end up on the news page on first open, and subsequent clicks on links to / to actually take you to /.

Now, a proxy will certainly mess up this apache rewrite. The apache rewrite itself looks like this (truncated for brevity):

RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR}  ^128\.39\.75\.*  [OR]
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR}  ^128\.39\.89\.*  [OR]
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR}  ^2001:700:700:\.*
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://www\.hio\.no
RewriteRule ^/$ /content/view/full/27 [R=permanent,L]

A rather simple redirect.

I'm not going to solve your problem here, but I have a question: Why are you using a permanent redirect here?? It is, from my understanding, not at all a permanent redirect, it's a conditional one -- and you have no intention to blocking access to the / page from internal users; you just want them to get there following a link somewhere in the www.hio.no hive. From my limited knowledge of HTTP, the way you are doing it here should be causing trouble with browsers who do what they are allowed to - i.e. cache the redirect (as the browser will never see any of the conditions anyway). Not to mention all the caches you could be poisoning, if you have any such internally (and with hio having a presumably rather large network, I wouldn't automatically assume that your cache would be the only one, authorized or not).

Just curious -- and looking forward to some helpful answers to your questions ;)


The problem is, with varnish in place, this will of course not have the desired effect. the vcl man page tells us a few things, but there have been some problems implementing this redirect.

At the moment, I am playing with using an acl to check if the client is on an internal network, and then see if Referer is set and the page being requested is /, and then act accordingly.

There are two problems in this. The first is making the test act accordingly, the second is the acl syntax.. first, the test. I am currently using something like:

if (client ~ internal && req.url == "/" && req.http.referer) {...}

The acl uses a syntax which I've noticed in the list archives for this list is possibly bugged for checking IP's (?):

acl internal {

Now, the man page uses .1 for the IPs, but .0 should be more intuitive? Also the /24 should probably be placed inside the quotes?

Now, provided I get the right test in place - the next question is how to handle the redirect itself. You could either send the request on to the backend (but this is not good caching... ;), using pipe (?), or we could tell the client directly that the document is moved, and what the correct url is. But how could I get varnish to simply say "beeeep, no, go to THIS page instead" using something like a http 301?

Or is there another solution that the current documentation does not expose?

Oh, and is there any need for credits to the varnishproject if I use it on http://www.hio.no?

Kenneth Rørvik, IT HiO
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