On Thu, Nov 08, 2007 at 10:21:22PM +0100, Dag-Erling Sm鷨grav wrote:
> Gea-Suan Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > It crash again:
> Actually, it doesn't crash; the child get stuck somewhere and the
> parent kills it.
> I'd like to see an 'svn diff' of your tree.
> Also, if you change SIGKILL in bin/varnishd/mgt_child.c to either
> SIGABRT or SIGQUIT, you should get a core dump of the child process
> when the parent kills it.  If you don't, 'ulimit -c unlimited' and try
> again.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/tmp] (5:23) svn export ~/svn/varnish/varnish-cache 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/tmp] (5:23) diff -ruN varnish-cache.clean varnish-cache > 

This file is in http://mail.pixnet.tw/~gslin/varnish-cache.diff.gz

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/tmp] (5:26) cd varnish-cache.clean/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/tmp/varnish-cache.clean] (5:26) ./autogen.sh
+ aclocal
+ libtoolize --copy --force
+ autoheader
+ automake --add-missing --copy --foreign
configure.ac: installing `./install-sh'
configure.ac: installing `./missing'
bin/varnishadm/Makefile.am: installing `./compile'
bin/varnishadm/Makefile.am: installing `./depcomp'
+ autoconf
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/tmp/varnish-cache.clean] (5:26) cd ..
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/tmp] (5:26) diff -ruN varnish-cache.clean varnish-cache > 

This file is in http://mail.pixnet.tw/~gslin/varnish-cache-2.diff.gz

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/tmp/varnish-cache.clean] (5:29) ./configure 
(lots of msgs)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/tmp] (5:30) diff -ruN varnish-cache.clean varnish-cache > 

This file is in http://mail.pixnet.tw/~gslin/varnish-cache-3.diff.gz

* Gea-Suan Lin  (public key: Using https://keyserver.pgp.com/ to search)
* If you cannot convince them, confuse them.           -- Harry S Truman
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