MontyRee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello, list.
> I have set like below at varnishd 1.1.2 and works well.  But like
> below just connect to port 80 and quit, we can see all headers.
> Any idea?

Your "quit" request, which is not a valid HTTP request, causes Varnish
to respond with an error message.

This error message contains the response "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request",
as well as a set of headers describing the format of the error
message, and information that can be used to find the cause of the

Your example shows that you are using telnet to connect to Varnish.
The proper way to exit this client is not to type "quit", but rather
with the escape character '^]', followed by the command "close", which
may also be abbreviated to "c".  For more information, see your
system's telnet(1) man page.

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen, Linpro
varnish-misc mailing list

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