Michael Moyle skrev:
> Per,
> I appreciate your interest in this issue.
>> Have a look at varnishlog. There might be a hint there what is going o=
>> Maybe there are connectivity issues with the first backend?
> Connectivity is fine for both hosts.
> I have gone through several tests, this time with two hosts, and I
> can't be confident that the load balancer is working. varnish seems to
> establish a preference for one host and stick with it.

I can't see any health checks in your logs - are you sure the probes are
set up alright? Could you show us your config?  Also, which version of
Varnish are you using?

You'll can see the health checking (without all the other stuff) with:
$varnishlog -i Backend_health
    0 Backend_health - default Still sick 4--X-S-RH 2 3 8 0.000523
0.000567 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    0 Backend_health - default Back healthy 4--X-S-RH 3 3 8 0.017893
0.006342 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    0 Backend_health - default Still healthy 4--X-S-RH 4 3 8 0.001375
0.005100 HTTP/1.1 200 OK

(this is my personal server booting varnish and finding the backend

Per Buer - Leder Infrastruktur og Drift - Redpill Linpro
Telefon: 21 54 41 21 - Mobil: 958 39 117
http://linpro.no/ | http://redpill.se/

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