Hi! Why doesn't Varnish respect Cache-Control: private and Cache-Control: no-cache out of the box? My backend is a Django backend which is mostly sensible about what it sends out. So it's a bit strange that Varnish doesn't just do the right thing unless you configure it to do so.
I have a URL which redirects based on the clients IP-address (to auto-select the country/currency). I tried sending out "Vary: *", but that doesn't seem to work. So I ended up with Cache-Control: private just to find out that it didn't work either (this is Varnish 2.0.2). I've put in sub vcl_fetch { if(obj.http.Pragma ~ "no-cache" || obj.http.Cache-Control ~ "no-cache" || obj.http.Cache-Control ~ "private") { pass; } } as hinted in the introduction on the Wiki. Now it works, but I'm curious why this isn't the default? Ole _______________________________________________ varnish-misc mailing list varnish-misc@projects.linpro.no http://projects.linpro.no/mailman/listinfo/varnish-misc