Hi list.

Redpill-Linpro  (RL) has been the main sponsor of Varnish for the last
three years.

RL is a services company, generating most (probably over 95%) of its
revenue on selling services and products in its local Scandinavian

Developing a product for a global market takes a different kind of
organization and a different kind of focus.

Therefore RL has decided to form a separate company around Varnish:
Varnish Software AS. The company will initially consist of Tollef Fog
Heen, Kristian Lyngstøl and myself, all moving from Redpill Linpro.
Our sales will intially be handled by Redpill Linpro. We'll expand the
staff with more people in the months to come.

So, what does this mean for Varnish?
1. Varnish continues as a BSD-Licensed Open Source project.
2. Varnish users worldwide will be able to get competent commercial
services, both contracting and service contracts, from a company who
specializes in Varnish and high performance web delivery.
3. We will be able to spend more time and money on developing Varnish.
Our goal is to make Varnish a de-facto standard for high performance
web sites. We're not quite there yet - but we will be.

Some of Redpill Linpros service agreement customers will be
transferred to the new entity and some will continue to be handled
directly by R-L. We are hoping to sign up other partners to cover the
whole world.

Don't hesitate getting directly in touch with me if you want to
discuss partnership, employment, a support agreement or if you are
just plain curious. Every detail isn't ironed out yet and more
information will be made available later.


Per Andreas Buer  CEO, Varnish Software AS
Phone: +47 21 54 41 21 / Mobile: +47 958 39 117 / skype: perbu
varnish-misc mailing list

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