Hi all,

Today I've notice that svn tree is updated to:
svn co http://www.virtualbox.org/svn/vbox/trunk vbox
instead of

svn co http://virtualbox.org/svn/vbox/trunk vbox

as reported on the home page.

The message (italian locale) is:

Caricamento di oggetto esterno in 'vbox/src/libs/kStuff/kStuff'
svn: Il repository รจ stato definitivamente spostato in
aggiorna i riferimenti

In this mode I've not informations in console about release number,
what is the best method?

I suppose that the dir vbox/.svn/ refer to 13462 subrelease
Where can I find other informations, please?

I have also an error :

$ kmk
Makefile.kmk:23: /subheader.kmk: Nessun file o directory
Makefile.kmk:32: /src/Makefile.kmk: Nessun file o directory
Makefile.kmk:33: *** extraneous `else'.  Stop.

Best regards,

:::......... http://adoldo.wordpress.com ..........:::
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