2009/1/23 Huihong Luo <huisi...@yahoo.com>:
> Somtimes, I noted that vbox uses rather high cpu (50%) on windows host. The
> steps:
> run vbox with an XP vm, check host cpu use, which is very low (5%), then
> hibernate the windows host. After Windows resumes from hibernate mode, the
> host cpu use is now much higher, about 50%.
> Interestingly, the guest cpu is still very low (<5%).

I've been having this issue since VirtualBox 1.6.2 (IIRC... it's the
first version I've ever used), Windows XP host and guest.

In my case, as probably happens for Huihong Luo, the processor is a
dual-core, so occupancy being 50% actually means a single core is 100%
taken by VB. In my case too, the guest still reports 99% idle, as it
does before hybernation, except before hybernation the guest really
only takes about 3% on average, while as I said it does take 100% of a
single core afterwards.

The only way to bring the guest actual occupancy back down is to power
the virtual machine off (any manner).

I still didn't test the XP guest with any VirtualBox 2.x.y version,
though. I will soon.


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