On Seg, 2016-07-11 at 22:11 +0200, Michael Thayer wrote:
> Hello Sérgio,
> On 11.07.2016 21:14, Sérgio Basto wrote:
> > 
> > Hello ,
> > Can you take a look on this patch: https://github.com/rpmfusion/Vir
> > tual
> > Box/blob/master/VirtualBox-5.0.22-guest_soname.patch
> > 
> > Not using this patch makes VirtualBox-guest-additions provides
> > /usr/lib64/VBoxOGL.so
> > 
> > "both EGL and GL are replaced, the name of the path name doesn't
> > count,
> > only the internal soname count (readelf -a /usr/lib64/VBoxEGL.so
> > |grep
> > SONAME)"
> > "for now we can't provide this package, you will need to filter
> > theses
> > dependencies and make sure they will confict with other libgl
> > providers
> > (such as nvidia) "
> > 
> > So I made this patch , any feedback is welcome
> I hate to say it, but before you make a patch simply removing lines, 
> might it not make sense to ask why they are there in the first
> place? 

I was in hurry, I'm asking now ,  
> In this case, for X11 guest 3D to work those libraries have to
> replace 
> libGL.so.1 and libEGL.so.1 respectively, which is why they need to
> have 
> those sonames.  I presume that NVIDIA do the same, but of course our 
> libraries and NVIDIA's should never be in use at the same time, nor
> ours 
> and Mesa.

I remove all mesa bundle sources from VirtualBox , and compile with
mesa of the system 

> I don't know if you have some particular way of handling this in
> Fedora; 
> there might even be a better way of handling it for us, but just 
> removing those lines is going to stop guest 3D acceleration from 
> working.  

I test it and seems that still work ... 

> How and in what environment did you actually test this patch?

Fedora 24 as guest , Fedora 23 as host 

> Regards,
> Michael
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
Sérgio M. B.

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