On 06/12/2008 06:02 PM, Brian J. Murrell wrote:

> Not really quite the same.  Now shared folders work, except that when I
> access them it seems to corrupt the video display as per my prior
> message.
> This thread seems to have gone quiet though.  Maybe I need to start a
> new one for the new symptom.  Maybe the quietness is just timezone
> related though, so we'll see tomorrow.
> b.

Try a reboot & see if they still work. I found that _sometimes_ the
shares would appear, then on the next restart they wouldn't. And now
they seem to be totally borked & * can only use VBShared folders - can't
see anything else on the local net. I plan to go back to 1.5.6 (again)
on one machine to see if I can compare the two logically.

For your current problem; I'd check your Control
Panel|System|Hardware|Device Manager and see if you have any yellow
error flags. I just uninstalled the VBoxGuestAdditions on one system,
and reinstalled. As it comes back up it reinstalled the basic video
driver, so you might give that a try as well.

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