
On 2/22/09 11:14 AM Jens Franik wrote:

> Ok, it sounded like you did it with a real CD-Rom.

Sorry for that.

> Normally a ISO should not have Read Errors (is it like that?)


> Perhaps you could check the MD5 of the ISO?

Did you read my OP? ;-)

On 2/20/09 9:53 PM Johannes Kastl wrote:

> I checked the MD5SUMS for the ISOs on the host

The MD5sums are correct, thats why I wonder.

[Unbreakable Vows]
`Fred and George tried to get me to make one when I was about five.´
[...] `Only time I've ever seen Dad as angry as Mum. Fred reckons his
left buttock has never been the same since.´ (Harry Potter 6)

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