Mac OS X 10.4.11; MacBook.

I deleted VBox 2.1 and installed 2.2.0

I re-installed OpenSolaris 11

Restarted.  Looked OK.  Logged in from GUI login.

Added my non-root id to sudoers with visudo.

Installed Guest Additions.

Logged out and logged in.  Screen resize and mouse
capture worked fine.

Restored my non-root home directory from tar backup with ssh.

Restarted.  Now the screen dithers several times between
graphic and console login; finally settles down in console
login, but dysfunctional: any key I press echoes several
dozen characters of garbage.

Ouch!  Surely the changed content of my non-root home
directory isn't hampering graphic login.

VM seems healthy otherwise; I can ssh to it and bring
up X displays (xlogo, xterm, firefox) on the Mac host


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